
Free Lifesaving Society Menu

109 Pages in 4 Chapters

  1. About   Page 1
  2. The Free Lifesaving Society publishes free survival swimming and lifesaving training materials
    1. Equipment   Page 2
    2. The right equipment makes all the difference
    3. Clothing   Page 3
    4. Clothes add greater realism to your swimming and lifesaving practice
      1. Kit List   Page 4
      2. Sportswear is best for survival swimming and lifesaving lessons
      3. Layers   Page 5
      4. Dress for immersion
      5. Lifevests   Page 6
      6. Whenever possible choose lifevests instead of buoyancy aids
      7. Pool   Page 7
      8. Public pools often have specific clothing rules
      9. Uniforms   Page 8
      10. Lifeguards must always be recognisable

    5. Glossary   Page 9
    6. Understand the lingo of lifesaving and survival swimming
    7. Nutrition   Page 10
    8. Nutrition is the most important part of any fitness program
    9. Research   Page 11
    10. A lot of scientific research is now going into swimming
      1. Blood Lactate   Page 12
      2. Blood lactate levels are a good indicator of glycogen breakdown
      3. Cadets   Page 13
      4. Cadets' swimming and running performance
        with and without a combat uniform
      5. Exertion   Page 14
      6. Effect of Wearing Clothes on Oxygen Uptake
      7. Oxygen   Page 15
      8. The Effect on Oxygen Uptake and Blood Metabolites
      9. Temperature   Page 16
      10. Maintainance of the Body Temperature in Water
      11. Training   Page 17
      12. Effects of Physical Training and Mental Practice of Clothes Swimming

    11. Worldwide   Page 18
    12. Around 80% of casualties are men which is why we focus on educating them
      1. England   Page 19
      2. Swimming is the only school subject that can save your life
      3. Germany   Page 20
      4. Almost half of 10 year old kids (45%) can not swim safely
      5. Japan   Page 21
      6. Japanese police statistics show that over 80% of people who drown are fully clothed
      7. Korea   Page 22
      8. World's Largest Swimming Lesson Breaks Record Participation
      9. Liberia   Page 23
      10. Lifesaving Liberia runs regular school-based swimming lessons
      11. Netherlands   Page 24
      12. Every year, members of the Rotterdam Rescue Brigade swim up to 1,000 meters fully clothed
      13. USA   Page 25
      14. Clothing in the water is common place at a Spartan swim team practice
      15. Schools   Page 26

    13. Your Team   Page 27
      1. Teachers   Page 28
      2. Swimming and lifesaving lessons often require that the teacher joins the class in the pool
      3. Check List   Page 29
      4. Go carefully through this list and use it for each lesson
      5. Organisation   Page 30
      6. Lesson plans provide a basic framework for planning your class
      7. Safety   Page 31
      8. Safety must be a key part of every lesson
      9. Structure   Page 32
      10. In our lesson plans we group items using progressive skill building

  3. Fitness   Page 33
  4. Lifeguards often choose workouts that help develop specific skills
    1. ABC   Page 34
    2. The Swim ABC (Zwem ABC) teaches essential survival skills as an exciting fun sport
    3. Swim Strokes   Page 35
    4. You can swim a lot faster with the same effort
      1. Backstroke   Page 36
      2. Survival backstroke can get you out of trouble without using too much energy
      3. Breaststroke   Page 37
      4. Lifeguards use breaststroke when approaching casualties
      5. Front Crawl   Page 38
      6. Front crawl is the fastest swimming style to quickly reach a casualty
      7. Sidestroke   Page 39
      8. Sidestroke is named so because the swimmer lies on one side
      9. Travel Stroke   Page 40
      10. The travel stroke is rarely taught outside the military

    5. Warm Up   Page 41
    6. Before and after your training session do some easy exercise
    7. Aquatic Gym   Page 42
    8. Swimming pools are a safe alternative to repetitive gym training
      1. Ai Chi   Page 43
      2. Water Tai Chi (Ai Chi) is a water exercise and relaxation program
      3. Cycling   Page 44
      4. The concept of underwater spinning is really simple
      5. Drag   Page 45
      6. This is an interesting experiment to see how the drag of your clothes makes a difference
      7. Floating   Page 46
      8. This pool exercise has been making waves in the fitness world
      9. Jogging   Page 47
      10. Aqua Jogging is a cross training and rehabilitation method that shoots your heart rate sky high
      11. Underwater   Page 48
      12. This is a great way to have fun and expand your lung capacity
      13. Yoga   Page 49
      14. Aqua Yoga is a new way to enjoy a low-impact aquatic exercise
      15. Zumba   Page 50
      16. Aqua Zumba is a total water workout, combining all elements of fitness

    9. Boot Camp   Page 51
    10. Aquatic Boot Camp is like Crossfit but very wet.
      1. Get Ready   Page 52
      2. Well managed pools typically have steps, ropes, rubber bricks, and other useful equipment
      3. Resistance   Page 53
      4. Swimming in clothes is an aquatic form of resistance training
      5. Endurance   Page 54
      6. It's not just about swimming laps
      7. Jump and Climb   Page 55
      8. For one minute jump into deep water and immediately climb out
      9. Push Ups   Page 56
      10. Poolside push-ups and sit-ups build overall strength
      11. Wading   Page 57
      12. This exercise builds lower body core strength and leg muscles
      13. Workout   Page 58

    11. Games   Page 59
    12. Enjoy these games in your swimming group or lifesaving class
      1. Warm Up Fun   Page 60
      2. Here are some exciting fun games
      3. Ball Games   Page 61
      4. Use these wild games towards the end of a training session
      5. Pool Tag   Page 62
      6. On this page we show you a few variations of the basic pool tag game
      7. Relays   Page 63
      8. Whenever your group needs some motivation or seems to get a bit too cold
      9. Team Work   Page 64
      10. Working together in a group to solve problems is a useful skill

  5. Survival   Page 65
  6. Survival swimming comes before lifesaving skills
    1. Lessons   Page 66
    2. Inexperienced people often drown because they never learned how to swim in clothes
      1. Clothes   Page 67
      2. Sportswear is best for advanced swimming lessons
      3. College   Page 68
      4. Every weekday morning before breakfast we had swim training in the pool
      5. Sequence   Page 69
      6. This survival swimming sequence combines many essential skills
      7. Training   Page 70
      8. Pool Training for Open Water

    3. Drownproofing   Page 71
    4. You don't even have to be a good swimmer to use this technique
      1. Sequence   Page 72
      2. It is much easier to do than stay afloat by swimming
      3. Floating   Page 73
      4. Floating is an important self-rescue technique
      5. Help Position   Page 74
      6. You can prolong your survival time
      7. Huddle   Page 75
      8. This fun activity teaches the importance of staying together
      9. Treading Water   Page 76
      10. Keep your body upright with the head out of the water

    5. Sea and Surf   Page 77
    6. The beach provides a great water workout opportunity
      1. Beach   Page 78
      2. The beach has a few more challenges than the pool
      3. Boats   Page 79
      4. Small boat handling and rescues require many skills
      5. Float   Page 80
      6. A river or water crossing is a fun wet adventure for two people
      7. Run   Page 81
      8. Running on the beach varies a bit from cross country or mud running events
      9. Swim   Page 82
      10. It is fantastic strength training, but is very exhausting
      11. Workout   Page 83
      12. Swimming and running combine into a good cross-training exercise

    7. Water Safety   Page 84
    8. We've compiled the best water safety tips we could find
      1. Entry and Exit   Page 85
      2. Always enter shallow water in a safe manner
      3. Hypothermia   Page 86
      4. You can develop hypothermia without immediately recognising it
      5. Rip Currents   Page 87
      6. Rips are the cause of most rescues performed at beaches
      7. Sun Safety   Page 88
      8. The American Cancer Society recommends a 3-prong approach to sun protection
      9. Thunderstorms   Page 89
      10. Each year lightning claims many lives or causes injuries

  7. Lifesaving   Page 90
  8. Lifesaving is for everyone and more fun than swimming up and down
    1. Basics   Page 91
    2. This section gives an introduction to lifesaving
      1. Casualties   Page 92
      2. Discuss with your team the four most likely casualties
      3. Defences   Page 93
      4. This lesson is an introduction to aquatic self-defence
      5. Scanning   Page 94
      6. Give your lifeguards a chance to practice their signals
      7. Signals   Page 95
      8. Signals can be very confusing at times

    3. Rescues   Page 96
    4. Your safety is of utmost importance and always comes first
      1. Land Based   Page 97
      2. These rescues are the safest and can even be done by non-swimmers
      3. Assisted Rescues   Page 98
      4. Enter shallow water safely as near to the casualty as possible
      5. Rescue Towing   Page 99
      6. Only as a last resort should you enter the water

    5. Tests   Page 100
    6. These swimming tests go beyond the simple four lengths run
      1. Initiative Test   Page 101
      2. When setting up your initiative test make sure it is a realistic scenario
      3. Test Scenarios   Page 102
      4. Here are a few sample initiative tests for your class
      5. Videos   Page 103
      6. Here are some helpful videos we've found on Youtube

    7. Work   Page 104
      1. Beach   Page 105
      2. Beach lifeguards provide a patrolling presence on beaches
      3. Pool   Page 106
      4. Pool lifeguards work in enclosed water like swimming pools
      5. Surf   Page 107
      6. Surf Lifesaving originated in Australia in 1906
      7. Training   Page 108
      8. Make it fun and challenging to keep your team motivated
      9. Work Experience   Page 109
      10. They put a high emphasis on realistic staff training